Board Stiff '98 at Snoqualmie, WA These pictures were scanned at 72dpi 24-bit colour, from a panoramic print from a Konica 35mm panoramic disposable camera, and then converted to 256-colour GIFs. Looking down at the stage from the chairlift. This is an annual event organized by KNDD 107.7 The End for a day of punk rock music and snow sports. The entire mountain is reserved for this event. The ticket is good for skiing and riding, as well as the performances. Lilith Fair at the Gorge, WA These pictures were scanned at 72dpi 24-bit colour, from a panoramic print from a Konica 35mm panoramic disposable camera, and then converted to 256-colour GIFs. Mid-afternoon intermission. The Columbia River valley is clearly visible in the background. Little wonder that this is considered among one of the best outdoor concert venues. This area is very much a desert, but the local farmers pump a lot of water up to these plateaus to grow grapes for winemaking and other fruits such as apples. Although it's very hot during late morning and early afternoon, the winds pick up later in the afternoon. These winds are the same ones that make the Columbia River gorge further downstream (at Hood River, The Dalles, etc.) such a popular place for windsurfing. Just before sunset. You can't tell, but Natalie Merchant is on stage at this time. The winds continue for another hour or so, and then dies down. Of course, Sarah performs last, and gets to add some lighting effects to her show...